Umami and Other Tastes of Honest Greens

Translated from Japanese as yummy, deliciousness or a pleasant savoury taste, umami is actually a taste: the fifth taste, the one besides sweet, sour, salty and bitter. It is present in a vast array of veggies as well as in most fermented foods, and it’s also one of the tasty bowls of Honest Greens.

10 Modernist Buildings You Should Know. And Why You Should Know Them

As you already know, I am passionate about architecture and styles, in general. Plus, since I’ve moved to Barcelona I fell head over heels in love with the Modernist current, especially as I have so many buildings in this style, on my daily route. When I first visited the city, back in 2005, I didn’tContinueContinue reading “10 Modernist Buildings You Should Know. And Why You Should Know Them”

Eixample or the Expansion of Modern Barcelona

Eixample district is probably the most iconic in Barcelona and also the most diverse in terms of shopping, restaurants and nightlife. Its grid-like layout is the symbol of the modern Barcelona we know today.

Brunch in a Hammock

Hammock Juice Station has an inviting setup of suspended hammock seats, and it’s place for relaxing and having vegan food, juices and a moment of fun while swinging. No wi-fi. Hammock Juice Station has a menu with tasty toasts with veggies, like this avocado with cherry tomatoes, chia and toasted pumpkin seeds. They also serveContinueContinue reading “Brunch in a Hammock”