My Barrio. Carrer de València

I am fortunate to live close enough to some of the architectural wonders of the city. These ones are actually on my street, just a few blocks away, so here is a glimpse into my post-confinement daily walks.

A metaphor of the Mediterranean sea, right under your feet

Passeig de Gràcia is famous for many things – for its history and elegance, for its buildings, great restaurants and luxury shops, still this deep-blue-sea inspired pattern might be its true symbol.

10 Modernist Buildings You Should Know. And Why You Should Know Them

As you already know, I am passionate about architecture and styles, in general. Plus, since I’ve moved to Barcelona I fell head over heels in love with the Modernist current, especially as I have so many buildings in this style, on my daily route. When I first visited the city, back in 2005, I didn’tContinueContinue reading “10 Modernist Buildings You Should Know. And Why You Should Know Them”